Belonging to the buttercup family, this genus contains about 100 species of mostly tuberous biennials and perennials occurring primarily in the northern temperate zones.completely dormant over winter, they quickly develop a clump of deeply lobed leaves from which emerge erect flower stems bearing clusters of pendulous, hooded, or helmet-shaped flowers, usually white,creamy yellow, or mauve-blue to purple in color. The flowering season may last from summer to autumn. The plants`s sap contains several highly toxic alkaloids, principally aconitine, which has a long history of deliberate use as a poison, especially in animal traps, hence the common names of the genus: wolfsbane and badgers`s bane. Aconitine is used medicinally in controlled doses to slow the heart rate.
Species in this genus are mostly very hardy and easily grown in full or half sun.The soil should be miost,humus-rich, and well-drained,Take care when cutting flowerheads, as the foliage may irritate the skin.Propagate these plants by division when dormant or raise from seed.
Top Tip
The genus name Aconitum comes from Greek and can be translated as ''unconquerable poison.''This plant is very toxic; use caution when handling it,especially around children.
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