Sunday, September 4, 2011


Belonging to the South American potato family (Solanaceae), this genus contains just 5 species of large evergreen shrubs or small trees. Extensive hybridization, however, has produced a wide range of garden forms. The large downy leaves shield impressively long, hanging, trumpet-like flowers with flared lobes that curve delicately back towards the base of the flower. Colors range from white, cream, and yellow to pink and red. Brugmansia species generally flower in spring and autumn and can look quite spectacular when flowering en masse. Most plants bear fragrant flowers, with their scent being more noticeable in the evening. The common name of angel's trumpet comes from the shape of the flower but belies the dangerous effect of the narcotic substances found in all parts of the plant.


Frost tender and best suited to mild climates, these plants prefer full or half sun and deep, moist, humus-rich, well-drained soil. During the summer growing season they need to be watered and fed well. Regular trimming will help keep the plant in a dense rounded shape. Propagate from half-hardened cuttings.

Top Tip

Prune brugmansias in early spring, removing old, dead, or surplus stems, to encourage an abundant display of flowers throughout the blooming season. 

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