Numerous species in this once-large genus have been moved to other genera, leaving just 5 European and North African annual species plus a number of hybirds known as florists's chrysanthemums, which are sorted into groups based on flower form. Perennials originally from China, where they have been cultivated for over 2,500 years, chrysanthemums were used medicinally and for flavoring as well as for ornamental purposes. The Japanese adopted chrysanthemums and frequently use them in their art as a symbol of longevity and happiness. The annual species are small plants that closely resemble their daisy family (Asteraceae) relatives and are mainly used for summer bedding or in borders.
The annuals thrive in a sunny position with light well-drained soil. Florists's chrysanthemums prefer a heavier richer soil and will tolerate some shade. They also need pinching back when yound and disbudding to ensure the best show of flowers. Annuals are raised from seed; the florists's forms are propagated by division when dormant or from half-hardened summer cuttings.
Top Tip
Chrysanthemums make great pot specimens. Use a good organic poting mixture and do naot over-water. fertilize in summer.
The annuals thrive in a sunny position with light well-drained soil. Florists's chrysanthemums prefer a heavier richer soil and will tolerate some shade. They also need pinching back when yound and disbudding to ensure the best show of flowers. Annuals are raised from seed; the florists's forms are propagated by division when dormant or from half-hardened summer cuttings.
Top Tip
Chrysanthemums make great pot specimens. Use a good organic poting mixture and do naot over-water. fertilize in summer.
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