Monday, September 26, 2011


Variously known as balsam, busy lizzie, or water fuchsia, this genus of around 850 species of annuals, perennials, and subshrubs is widely distributed throughout the subtropics and tropics of Asia and Africa. They are generally soft-stemmed plants with simple, pointed, lance-shaped leaves that often have toothed edges. The flowers occur in many different colors, appear throughout the year in mild areas, and have 5 petals-an upper standard and the lower 4 fused into 2 pairs. The sepals are also partly fused to form a spur. The flowers are followed by seed pods that, when ripe, explosively eject their contents at the slightest touch. This memorable feature has given rise to the genus name Impatiens, which is Latin for impatient.


The annuals are grown as summer plants in cooler climates; the perennials are fairly tender and need mild winters. Shade from hot sun and plant in deep, cool, moist, humus-rich soil. Water and feed well. Propagate annuals from seed and perennials from cuttings. Some species self-sow and may be invasive.

Top Tip

Most impatiens species make great indoor specimens, either in pots or hanging baskets. Keep the soil moist and tip prune to encourage more compact growth.

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