Sunday, September 4, 2011


This genus of around 300 species includes annuals, perennials, and even some small shrubs, and is found from Mexico to the southern tip of South America. The leaves tend to be light green and are covered with fine hairs and small glands that make them sticky to the touch. They are known as slipper flower or ladies's purse, due to the distinctive pouchlike shape of the flowers, which is common to almost all species. The flowers are 2-lipped, with a small hooded upper lip and a large lower lip that is inflated to form a kind of pouch. Yellow, orange, and red shades dominate. Calceolaria plants are usually grown as pot plants or in hanging baskets, as the blossoms are rather fragile.


While Calceolaria plants vary in their frost hardiness and sun tolerance, they all prefer cool moist soil conditions. Work in plenty of high-humus compost before planting. The shrubby species tend to become rather untidy after a few years, and although pruning can rejuvenate them, replacement with new plants may be more successful. The seed germinates well, but tip cuttings strike so quickly that this is a more successful method of propagation.

Top Tip

A liquid fertilizer applied every few weeks to indoor plants will improve the size and color of the flowers. Make sure not to give them too much water.

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