Saturday, September 3, 2011


Curiously known as pig squeak, this genus of the saxifrage family (Saxifragaceae) is made up of 8 species of perennials that are found in Asia, extending from Afghanistan to Mongolia, Sprouting from tough woody stems, the large leathery leaves are broad and light green in color. The 5-petalled flowers grow in clusters on long stems and open in spring. Most species produce flowers in shades of pink but some garden forms occur in white, mauve, and red. Bergenia is named after an eighteenth-century German botanist, Karl August von Bergen. The common name pigsqueak comes from the sound the wet leaves make when rubbed between the fingers.


Bergenia species thrive in sun or shade with humus-rich soil. Planting in partial shade with cool moist conditions will develop lush foliage, whereas full sun will produce flowers at the expense of the leaves. This adaptable genus is extremely suitable as a ground cover or as a rockery plant.

Top Tip

Bergenia species will withstand less than ideal soil conditions and some neglect. However, they will benefit from the removal of old flowers and dead leaves.

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